Use Agreement
An immunity from responsibility matter
- We, Nihon Ryutsu Sangyo Co.,Ltd, most carefully takes every possible measures to assure the correctness of information carried in the site.
However, there are occasions of incorrect mentions or misprints.
In such cases, we will not owe any responsibility for damages that incurred by incorrect information or misprints. - Information or programs in this site will be updated or changed without prior notice.
And operation of this site will not owe any responsibility for damages incurred by these changes suspension or cease. - We will not owe any responsibility for damages incurred by accessing other sites linked from this site, nor for damages incurred by contents of such sites.
- We will not owe any responsibility for handling of personal information of such sites linked from this site either.
- All rights of the contents such as images, data, documents, layouts, designs,
in this site are reserved by Nihon Ryutsu Sangyo Co.,Ltd or relevant producers under the copyright act. - And you cannot transfer or reproduce the contents exceeding private purpose of individual user without permission in accordance with the copyright act.
About access log collection and the use
- In our site, We collect the access of all of you used as log (history).
These access log is used for analysis of the operation situation and the statistics information of the server, site marketing for user convenience improvement and may not be used in other purpose.
About Google Analytics
- In our site, I use Google Analytics for collection, analysis of the access log.
We collect log without including information to identify an individual using cookie (cookie) in Google Analytics.
In addition, the collected log is managed based on a privacy policy of Google Corporation.
Please see this about the privacy policy of Google Corporation.